Level Control unit Type MC 300
MC300 is used for the automatic level control of airspring-vibration-isolated
floor plates, concrete blocks and other seismic masses. The
level control keeps the suspended mass always at the same
level independent from the actual load. This effects a constant
vertical eigenfrequency of the suspended mass, due to the
variable spring rate, automatically adapted to the actual
total load on the springs.
MC 30 is drained. A pressure regulator and an adjustable orifice
allows to adapt the supply air to the actual requirements.
The air is distributed to the level control valves. The actual
pressure in the air spring systems and the supply is displayed
by four manometers.
Three contained level control valves must be bolted at defined
locations to the seismic mass. These valves decrease or increase
the inner pressure of the airsprings depending on the actual
weight of the suspended mass. The level control unit MC 300
is manufactured in our works and contains only tested high-quality
components, in order to guarantee a long durability with a
minimum of maintenance.